2007 ...

Latitude aftermath, plus forthcoming attractions

Sorry this blog's been quiet these past few days. I've actually been squatting over at the Latitude blog. The extended Uncut family all spent an excellent weekend up there at the festival, and there are something like 40 blogs you can check out on all our highlights.

Arcade Fire, The Good, The Bad And The Queen, The Hold Steady And More At Latitude 2007

Without wanting to turn this space into a shameless plug for Uncut, I’d just like to point you in the direction of the blogs the Uncut team has been posting on www.uncut.co.uk over the weekend from the Latitude festival.

Freewheelin’ With Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan fans still reeling from the unexpected news that Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen producer Mark Ronson has remixed “Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine) – the mind, she boggles – may have something to get more obviously excited about.

The Arcade Fire

They call this time the gloaming -- night coming down, all colours leached from the sky. It seems a remarkably appropriate moment for the Arcade Fire to take the stage and close Latitude Year two with an enormous bang. And some fireworks.

Literary Tent, Sunday Night at Latitude

The last few hours of Latitude 2007 and it’s starting to feel like the fall of Saigon, but only in a genteel and latte-sipping way. As night engulfs the woods and almost the entire remaining crowd is sucked towards Arcade Fire’s headline set, there are precious few refuges left for cultural dissidents who may be immune to epic Canadian folk-rock.

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