2007 ...

The Nationwide Mercury Prize shortlist: wailing, gnashing of teeth to fade

Just back from the Mercury Music Prize scrum down in Covent Garden. I realise that making a fuss about this sort of thing is playing into the hands of the organisers, on the grounds that any publicity is good publicity and all. And, yes, there are a bunch of records here that I like: the Arctic Monkeys (a deserving winner, I'd say), Amy Winehouse and the Klaxons, for a start. I guess as a measure of how healthy new British music is right now, it's OK. And the absence of Editors, The Fratellis, The Twang and so on is mildly satisfying.

Latitude round-up

Well, we're all finally back from Latitude and looking back at one of the best festivals any of us can remember.

Editor's Picks

