2004August ...


Big names in puny thriller


More weirdness from Japanese maverick

The Manson Family

Hammy biopic of barmy, murderous Charlie


Unmistakably French web of desire and revenge

16 Years Of Alcohol

OPENS JULY 30, CERT 18, 102 MINS The title may threaten a rough ride, but former Skids frontman Richard Jobson's feature debut as a director is surprisingly tender. Graced by striking visual flourishes and spot-on musical choices, this story of a young man emerging from the haze of alcoholism to make a bid for redemption has a raw, vivid sense of reality. Kevin McKidd—long deserving of a leading role—plays Frankie, who we follow from a boyhood spent in his father's shadow to his teenage years as a skinhead and his subsequent struggles to fit into sober society.

One For The Road

Black drinking comedy starring Hywel Bennett

Before Sunset

DIRECTED BY Richard Linklater STARRING Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy Opens July 30, Cert 15, 80 mins Released in 1995, Richard Linklater's Eurodrama Before Sunrise was a charming holiday romance, a post-grunge Brief Encounter. Reuniting the same actors/characters nine years on, this sequel feels more like a Lost In Translation for the Middle Youth generation, with the same tone but higher emotional stakes.

A Thug’s Life?

Hagiography of gangsta rap's most potent icon

Summer Madness

David Lean's 1955 romance, restored by the BFI

Two Brothers

Twin tigers star in coming-of-age parable

Editor's Picks
