2004March ...


Beautifully realised coming-of-age flick

Cold Creek Manor

Muddled mainstream chiller from Mike Figgis

The Last Laugh

A silent classic from the halcyon days of German expressionism, Der Letze Mann is FW Murnau's dreamlike melodrama of hubris—a big-budget 1924 masterpiece of light, shadow and set design. Restored to a crispness that's worthy of '40s film noir, it stars Emil Jannings as a shambling, walruslike doorman who's demoted to the hotel lavatories. Slow and emotionally laboured but fluid and spectacular to watch.

The Barbarian Invasions

Canadian master deals with age and mortality

It’s All About Love

Laughably misguided sci-fi romance


Grim post-Taliban tale from Afghanistan

Son Frère

Harrowing death drama from Intimacy director

Something’s Gotta Give

Jack acts his age in smug romcom

Slaving Grace

Stellar cast decorate Lars von Trier's latest morality tale

Paint It Black

School's out forever, dude, in the new Jack Black comedy

Editor's Picks
