Reviews ...


Nicolai Dunger – Tranquil Isolation

Well-connected singer-songwriter on the spot again. Features Will Oldham

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Funk-rock archaeology, with extra tracks and liner notes by Flea

The Walkabouts – Watermarks: Selected Songs 1991-2001

Decade-spanning compilation of Chris Eckman and Carla Torgerson's trailblazers

Morphine – The Best Of Morphine

Sixteen-track anthology of darkcore Boston trio, including previously unreleased tracks

L’Homme Du Train

Slo-mo drama starring ageing French heartthrob

The Bourne Identity

Indie tyro Doug Liman (Go!) takes a gripping premise (amnesiac superspy is hunted by CIA while seeking clues to his own identity), an efficient leading man in Matt Damon, and a raft of stellar supporting players including Brian Cox, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen and Franka Potente, and delivers a confident if ultimately soulless knockabout thriller.

Robin Williams Live On Broadway

The culmination of a sell-out 2002 tour sees a middle-aged Williams return to his maniacal roots, musing on Michael Jackson, the Puritans and Viagra, among other topics. However, his breakneck delivery, camp mannerisms and array of accents (including a dismal Winston Churchill) only emphasise, rather than conceal, the weakness of his material. And the "Joe I'm Pregnant" routine is shamelessly lifted from Sam Kinison.

Bunny Business

Disturbingly funny debut tackles life and death with the help of a giant rabbit

Har Mar Superstar – You Can Feel Me

Lame comedy R&B, strictly for haters

Kathleen Edwards – Carter Wood

Fine debuts from new queens

Editor's Picks

