
Today’s Uncut playlist

Just spent most of the afternoon in some kind of company blogging seminar (conclusion: I think I may be doing it wrong), to find the new Black Mountain album waiting for me. We're now trying to play it for the third time without it jumping. But in the meantime, here are the day's other selections: a couple of vague dogs in this lot, if memory serves.

The Uncut Playlist

I'm taking a day off from obsessing over the Radiohead album, so instead here's a lengthy list of the records we've played in the Uncut office over the past couple of days. You'll note, though, that "In Rainbows" does crop up a mere three times.

The Uncut Playlist

Could be a long day, since we've just embarked on the first CD of Miles Davis' "Complete On The Corner Sessions". Not sure we're going to make it through all six in a row, but a good start to the day. Here, though, is what we played yesterday. As usual, I can't pretend we're unequivocally behind every record on the list, but God, that Springsteen album gets better and better.

Today’s Uncut Playlist plus Radio 1: Established 1967

Now that the India vs Pakistan cricket has finished, I can turn my attention to a blog. We've also just spent an hour dipping into the Radio 1 birthday album, which features 40 of today's Top 20 habitues covering 40 years of hits. Some grim moments here, as you might imagine: Robbie Williams does "Lola"; our era's pre-eminent power trio The Fratellis having a crack at "All Along The Watchtower"; Razorlight's particularly masochistic "Englishman In New York".

The Uncut Playlist

It feels like time to put together another one of these, so here are the ten records we played in the office yesterday. Pretty quiet here as we've just finished an issue, so I managed to get away with even more psych, folk and drone than usual. And after a week of lost post, wrong addresses and such, the Om album arrived, so that was good. . .

Yes, it’s another list of records played in the Uncut office. Bear with me. . .

So today at Uncut we've been frantically finishing the issue, struggling in vain to make an online streaming of the new Om album work and, oh yeah, doing a lot of interviews with various radio and TV stations about this Led Zeppelin reunion.

Uncut playlist time

Another playlist today. There is one other record we've played, but without appearing too corny and clandestine, I'm going to keep its identity secret for now, since we got hold of it by faintly nefarious means. Hopefully I'll be able to post something more revealing in the next few days. In the meantime, here's today's selection; a bit of a curious lot, when I write them down. . .

What we’ve played today in the Uncut office

Looks like I'm going to be resorting to a few playlists rather than full blogs this week. An exciting combination of deadlines and emergency dental work, and the distraction this afternoon of a man in a very good gorilla suit running around the office (blame NME) mean I haven't much time at the moment. But I'm still simultaneously working my way through the pile of new CDs that amassed while I was on vacation. Here, then, is what we've played thus far today:

Today’s Uncut playlist, plus Ethiopiques

Apologies for the deadly silence over here these past two weeks. We haven't run out out of good music worth writing about, of course: the good CDs kept turning up, it's just that I wasn't in the office to play them.

Today’s Uncut playlist

These seem to be quite popular, so here are the fairly eclectic records we've played in the Uncut office today. Unlike last week's rundown, I think we're broadly behind all of this lot. . .

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