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Latitude: Overheard Conversations 2

We've been ear-wigging on your behalf again, to bring you sagest, most insightful snippets of overheard conversations. Behold, the latest musings from Latitude's fields of philosophers.

Latitude: Band Of Skulls

An early Saturday highlight, for me at any rate, is Band Of Skulls, playing in the Sunrise Arena down in the woods. Such a bucolic setting might seem entirely incongruous for a band who specialize in sinewy, blues rock. And at such an early hour, too, when most people are still digesting their breakfasts. Yet, amazingly, it works.

Latitude: 7 reasons why this festival isn’t like other festivals

Just to give you an idea of what it’s like at Latitude when you’re not watching bands, a few things I’ve seen wandering about the site in the last 24 hours.

Latitude: Dylan covers! Wheelbarrows! Friday’s highlights!

Friday’s highlights, then.

Latitude: Pet Shop Boys close opening night with a cheeky Coldplay cover

Following on from user-friendly sets by The Pretenders and Squeeze earlier in the evening, headliners Pet Shop Boys brought up the rear in Friday night’s poptastic triptych.

Latitude: Squeeze O’Clock!

Check your watches, it’s Squeeze o’clock. That means it’s the goodtime singalong hour, with South London’s finest kitchen-sink troubadours offering a master class is catchy pop brilliance.

Latitude: Bat For Lashes

It’s perhaps a strange moment of symmetry, but earlier I was fortunate enough to catch some of Fever Ray’s set, also in the UNCUT Arena. Clearly, there’s some parity between Karin Dreijer Andersson and Natasha Khan. Both own a significant debut to Kate Bush, and both are convincing exponents of their own, fantastic interior world.

Latitude: Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor's set on the Obelisk stage was blighted by the first real spate of Friday drizzle, but the New York singer-songwriter put on a set to charm the fans, and doubtless won some new ones too.

Latitude: Jeremy Hardy

Hey, just a quick one as I’m on a timetable to get to Bat For Lashes in about 25 minutes, but I’ve just got back from seeing Jeremy Hardy in the Literary Arena, and wanted to get something up online sooner rather than later.

Latitude: The Pretenders

“You’re a good-looking audience,” says Chrissie Hynde, before launching into “Back On The Chain Gang”. “Just what I’d expect. This is for your dad.” It is perhaps interesting to note that a lot of Hynde’s between song banter this evening is predicated around mostly wry, self-deprecating references to her past. She dedicates “Kid”, for instance, to late band members Pete Farndon and Jimmy Honeyman-Scott, finishing with “Put the kettle on, we’re not far behind you.” It is, you might think, particularly apt then that The Pretenders choose to cover Dylan’s “Forever Young”.

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