The Inspiral Carpets have lent their support of new music programme‘Choon’.

The programme promises to give musicians the chance to raise their profile with people who have a serious interest in music.


Inspirals guitarist Graham Lambert says, “The whole concept of ‘Choon’

sounds like a fantastic idea, not only for a band like the Inspirals but I like the idea that new bands can be given airtime whilst unsigned.”

Lambert who with the reformed Inspiral Carpets has just completed a successful tour added, “The Inspiral Carpets had very few TV options when we started out… We relied heavily on John Peel who loved our early records.”


The producer of ‘Choon’, Felix Taylor, former bass player with 90’s band Mover, commented “The Inspirals know how hard it can be for talent to get lost in a morass of mediocracy.”

Each edition of ‘Choon’ is set to be a concentration of great new bands and musicians, to encourage other singers or bands out there who want to be heard.

As Taylor puts it, “…there isn’t a national music programme like this

anywhere else in the UK at the moment.”

Broadcast every weekday evening, 9.30pm and 10pm, ‘Choon’ launches on

Propeller TV (Sky 195) on April 2.

To find out more about ‘Choon’ visit here