‘Biggest Reformation’ Of 2009 Set To Be Announced

Outside of Led Zeppelin, they're the biggest band of the 70s to reform - but who are they?

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The “biggest reformation” of 2009 is set to be announced soon, according to promoter Rob Hallett.

Claiming that they’re second only to Led Zeppelin in popularity and legend, Hallett explained that the announcement “isn’t a million miles away”.

Speaking to BBC News, he said: “I do have another reformation up my sleeve that I can’t talk about yet that is going to please a lot of people of a certain age.


“If you were a teenage boy in the pre-punk ’70s you’re going to be very excited. Outside of Led Zeppelin, this is probably the biggest reformation you can hope for.”

Over on Uncut‘s Wild Mercury Sound blog we’ve been trying work out who the mysterious band are. Head over to the blog to add your own suggestions about who could be reforming.

Deep Purple? ELO? Slade?!


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