The Rolling Stones‘s Mick Jagger is the latest celebrity to back a campaign to save an East London cinema.

Jagger joins Tony Robinson and Meera Syal in backing a campaign to re-open the now named EMD cinema which was formerly the Granada Theatre venue in the ’60s, before becoming an ABC cinema.


Jagger performed at the Grade II listed venue with the Stones in 1964, whilst other major artists like The Beatles also played there.

The venue/ cinema is currently abandoned after being bought by the ‘Universal Church of the Kingdom of God’ in 2003 and negotiations with the council over planning permission have failed.

Jagger, joing the the Walthamstow ‘Save Our Cinema’ campaign, spoke to the BBC, saying: “Cinemas and live venues like the Granada where the Stones played in the early days, learning our craft on the way, are the lifeblood of our cultural history.


“They helped launched British popular music on to a world stage and should continue to function as places of entertainment and enjoyment.

“It’s heartbreaking to hear about such a beautiful, important historical building and centre of entertainment being lost to the local community. I fully support the campaign to keep it open and provide film, music and the arts for generations to come.”

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