Patti Smith and Kevin Shields‘ live collaboration on “The Coral Sea” will finally see the light of day this summer, when it comes out as a 2CD set on their own PASK label.

The album, released on July 11, features two live performances from June 22, 2005 and September 12, 2006, both at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall. They both feature Smith creating a spoken-word performance from her 1996 book “The Coral Sea”, a homage to her close friend and legendary photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.


Shields provides an instrumental backing to Smith’s performance, using guitar and his legendary array of effects. The two shows are said to have a “different stylistic approach”. The album lasts nearly two hours in total.

It is not known whether Smith and Shields will collaborate together again. The release coincides with Shields finally reactivating My Bloody Valentine for a series of live and festival dates starting this June.