Lily Allen says she has been asked by both the Conservatives and the Labour Party to endorse their general election campaigns recently.

The singer told the Sunday Times she was invited to both parties’ recent conferences – but turned both down.


She admitted finding it strange that the Tories had invited her to appear, especially as their leader David Cameron recently claimed her music was “unsuitable” for his six-year-old daughter to listen to because of the adult lyrical themes.

“Never mind. I don’t think they’d have been denouncing me if I’d turned up at the Conservative Party conference,” Allen said.

Allen went on to claim that some of Cameron‘s other reported musical favourites were ill-judged.


“I thought that his favourite album that he likes listening to with his kids is the Arctic Monkeys (2006’s debut ‘Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not’, which if I’m not mistaken is all about one-night stands and prostitution,” she said.

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