Was this one easier to make than Get Ready?

It was a bit, yes. I think we’re a bit more comfortable with being ourselves. I think with Get Ready we wanted to do something a bit different and so it’s got a bit of a heavy guitar-y vibe. This time, as much as we have any ideas before we go in, we wanted to do a record which was… varied.


Which songs are you particularly pleased with?

I like “Told You So” because you don’t get a bit of reggae with New Order very often, do you? It’s a reggae-fusion record I think. think it was inspired by Bernard’s holiday trip to Bognor Regis.

Apparently there’s another film in production…


There’s actually two! One is based on Deborah Curtis’s book, with Anton Corbijn signed up to direct. And there’s another in America. Now we’ve finished the record we can sit down and talk to them and either be Henry Kissinger and get them to make friends so they only make one film, or suggest that they just fight, and let the winner make the film.