Home Features Today’s Uncut Playlist: So Far

Today’s Uncut Playlist: So Far

OK, I know this looks a bit pathetic, but Michael and Allan are off today and I've been too busy to put together a proper blog. So instead, here are the records that we've played in the Uncut office today: -

OK, I know this looks a bit pathetic, but Michael and Allan are off today and I've been too busy to put together a proper blog. So instead, here are the records that we've played in the Uncut office today: - 1 Robert Wyatt - "Comicopera" 2 Michel Legrand - "Soundtrack To Eva" 3 Fuzzy Duck - "Fu...

OK, I know this looks a bit pathetic, but Michael and Allan are off today and I’ve been too busy to put together a proper blog. So instead, here are the records that we’ve played in the Uncut office today: –

1 Robert Wyatt – “Comicopera”

2 Michel Legrand – “Soundtrack To Eva”

3 Fuzzy Duck – “Fuzzy Duck”

4 Howlin Rain – “Magnificent Fiend”

5 ESG – “A South Bronx Story 2”

6 Faust – “So Far”

7 Effie Briest – “The Newlywed Song”

8 The Mekons – “Natural”

The new Howlin Rain (that’s Ethan from Comets On Fire and friends) arrived this morning, and I suspect we’ll have another go at that once this new Mekons thing is over.

Proper service resumed tomorrow, I hope. Bear with me. . .
