In spite of the day’s good vibes emanating from the mainly non-rock sounds of the Radio 1 tent, it’s impossible to ignore the Lock-Up stage, and the power of Gallows. Flaming red hair, covered in tattoos, with singer Frank Carter it’s as if someone was granted three wishes, and one of them was “Create the perfect Scotsman. But make him from Watford. And loud.”


“We’ve been away showing the Americans how to do it properly,” Frank bellows, before the tremendous hardcore racket of “Abandon Ship”. “But we had to come back, because they can’t make a proper cup of tea!”

Good job, too.


Back in the R1 tent, things begin with great enthusiasm, and a flash of bright colour. This is Lovefoxx from CSS, who is so purple, she appears to be wearing the Jimi Hendrix Experience. On a stage bedecked with balloons, she leads her band in a burst of magnificent dance pop, all met with the Nu Raver’s mating cry: a rousing “Woo Hoo!”, all accompanied by a wave of the obligatory glo stick.

LCD Soundsystem may not be as young, or as cute – but they’re so good, they’re worthy of the same response. A rousing “Daft Punk Is Playing At My House” shows James Murphy at the wheel of an incredibly tight dance-rock ship. Even if his waistline is expanding exponentially, it’s only because his fanbase is too – and there needs to be enough of him to go around.

Words: John Robinson

Pic credit: Guy Eppel