A strange one, this. Nick Cave has been workaholically juggling multiple projects over the past couple of years: The Bad Seeds, of course; his comparatively pensive soundtrack work with Warren Ellis; and the rambunctious, Stoogesy garage rock of Grinderman. A betting man or woman might have put money on him turning up at Latitude in the company of the Bad Seeds, on the back of their superb “Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!” album from earlier this year.


The organisers of Latitude, however, are masters of the unexpected. And so it is that Cave will barrel up to the Obelisk Arena on Sunday night with his compact Micro-Seeds, Grinderman. And what a marvellously disreputable spectacle they’ll be. In many ways, you could argue that Grinderman are even better suited to festivals than their sprawling parent band. They’re quick on their feet, quick with their wits, generally raucous and, if last year’s debut album was any indication, phenomenally priapic.

Judging by Cave’s inexhaustible productivity, I’d imagine there’s a good chance of new songs being unveiled in Henham Park. Prepare yourself, either way, for the sight of rakish men of a certain age indulging their dirtiest impulses – not unlike a fair proportion of the audience, conceivably.