Icelandic for “Victory Rose”, the panoramic quartet Sigur Rós are coming to headline Latitude‘s Saturday night, bringing their ethereal and triumphant sound to the Obelisk Arena as night descends slowly on Henham Park.


Musically taking over where last year’s headliner’s Arcade Fire left off, Sigur Rós play the festival’s main arena on July 19. They’ll hopefully be treating Latitude’s crowd to songs from their (just released) new album ‘Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust (‘With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly’). You can get a taste for the new material by downloading first track “Gobbledigook” from their website or streaming the album from their Myspace page.

I’d put money on Sigur Rós being one of the uplifting summer festival highlights of the year – make sure you find time to be enveloped in their beauty, at their only UK festival performance in 2008. See you there, eyes closed, lying on the grass.