
Ah, the elusive Black Lips; a band I once chased around London in a black cab, trying to catch them live as they moved from one secret venue to another. I never caught up with them, which is why I’ll be holding a vigil at the Sunrise stage on Sunday until I get to see the madness for myself.


The band – Cole Alexander, (guitar, vocals), Jared Swilley (bass), Ian Saint Pé (guitarist) and Joe Bradley (drums) – are key members of the young punk fraternity associated with the Atlanta label Die Slaughterhaus Records. Although the band were formed 8 years ago, it wasn’t until their last album Good, Bad, Not Evil was picked up by the Vice label that people beyond the garage rock cognoscenti learned about Black Lips’ blistering music, invested with the flippant humour and excitement of early Beastie Boys hardcore, plus blues licks and a pissy attitude.

At their appearance on the John Peel stage at this year’s Glastonbury festival , the band set off firecrackers, decorated the stage with dead pigs ‘ heads and were joined by Har Mar Superstar for their rebellious edict, ‘Bad Kids’. Expect foul language, prepare yourself for nudity and bring safety goggles – there’s no telling what they are going to do.


This is what happens when the Black Lips play live.