Well, here we all are. The first rain of the day is just beginning to fall, just a gentle drizzle, so nothing to really complain about and certainly nothing like last night’s epic cloudburst which made me fear that when I got here this afternoon I’d find Henham Park deep enough in water to float an ark.


Just made the long trek back to the press tent where we’re sending these blogs from after seeing The Pretenders on the Obelisk Stage, which is that big covered thing about three miles the other side of those trees over there.

Michael’s actually busy writing a review of what I thought was a pretty sensational show, even better than their recent turn in Hyde Park, where they were supporting Neil Young.

It was great to hear a few things they didn’t play the other week – including a version of “Kid”, dedicated, and not for the first time, to the late Jimmy Honeyman-Scott and Pete Farndon, “Stop Your Sobbing” and a fantastic version of “Day After Day” from Pretenders II.


As Michael will no doubt also mention, one of the highlights of what I’m sure will be talked about as one of this year’s best festival sets was a sensational take on Dylan’s “Forever Young”.

Anyway, just off to see Regina Spektor, unless some magent-like device draws me mysteriously towards the nearest bar.

Then it’s my old friends Squeeze, and another chance to be reminded of the mis-spent youth I still seem to be living.

Allan Jones