Ringo Starr has reportedly lost his collection of Beatles’ photographs.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, Starr – a keen photographer – admitted he had no idea where his own photographs taking during his years with The Beatles are.


“I don’t know where they are,” he told Rolling Stone. “I wish I did. There’s been several moves and things happen.”

Previously, Starr unearthed a batch of postcards he’d received from his former bandmates, which were published as Postcards From The Boys in 2004.

“I found a box on my shelf and was like, ‘What the hell is that?'” Starr said. “And it was full of the postcards. At the time we were moving house yet again, and the secretary I had at the time decided to put them all in envelopes and put them in a shoebox. That’s how I found out I still had them. So you never know – one day I may find another box with all my photos.”