Fleet FoxesRobin Pecknold has posted a new demo song online – scroll down to the bottom of the page and click to listen.

The bare acoustic track, ‘Olivia, In A Separate Bed’, finds the singer in mournful mood, seemingly lamenting the loss of a girlfriend and apologising for his behaviour. The song seemingly corroborates a handful of Tweets recently posted by Pecknold, in which he suggested his relationship with his girlfriend had broken down due to touring and recording commitments with his band. He has since deleted the messages.


The track follows on from recent news that Fleet Foxes drummer Josh Tillman had left the band after four years to pursue other projects. The band have yet to announce Tillman’s replacement or speak about his departure. They were due to return to the UK in March to appear at Neutral Milk Hotel frontman Jeff Mangum‘s forthcoming All Tomorrow’s Parties event, but were forced to pull out when the event was moved from December 2011 to March 2012.

Fleet Foxes released their second studio album ‘Helplessness Blues’ in May last year. The LP was the follow-up to their eponymous debut, which was released in 2008.