Jack White has admitted that he will “always miss” his old band The White Stripes.


White released his solo debut LP, Blunderbuss, earlier this year, but in an interview with Esquire he said he would always be nostalgic about the band with which he made his name.

He said: “Yeah, I always will miss The White Stripes. My dad’s dead; it’s like saying do you miss your dad ? Of course, I always will. How could I not?”

White also condemned reality TV and Twitter, stating: “The goal of modern celebrity is to make yourself into the lowest common denominator. ‘Hey, I’m a guy just like you. I like a beer, a football game’. Especially in reality television, you’ll see people will go so far as to make a fool out of themselves just to prove that.


Twitter is the most perfect example of modern living,” he added. “I think the only people who should have [Twitter accounts] are comedians. Because it’s all about one-liners.”