OSees leader John Dwyer has reassembled the same crew who recorded last year’s experimental throwdown Bent Arcana – Ryan Sawyer, Peter Kerlin, Tom Dolas, Brad Caulkins, Kyp Malone, Marcos Rodriguez, Joce Soubiran, Laena Myers-Ionita and Andres Renteria, plus Ben Boye – for a new album of improv jams entitled Moon-Drenched.

It’s out May 28 on Castle Face and you can watch a video for the track “Psychic Liberation”, directed by Andrew Schrader, below:


“We can all use a moment of peace and for me that is improvisation,” says Dwyer. “Take your mind out of the game for a short while. Life is full of affronts and tests but pure art for art’s sake is where it’s at. Good luck out there, be strong.”

Pre-order Moon-Drenched here.