It’s fair to say that Baxter Dury’s musical career hasn’t followed a typical trajectory. Despite appearing on the cover of his dad’s classic LP New Boots And Panties!! at the age of five, he didn’t release his own debut album (2002’s Len Parrot’s Memorial Lift) until he was in his thirties. And even then, he didn’t really break through into wider consciousness until the release of his hallucinogenic break-up album Prince Of Tears in 2017.

But since then, it’s been full steam ahead. In 2018 he teamed up with French house producer Étienne De Crécy and London punk singer Delilah Holiday for the BED project, and last year he made a scene-stealing cameo on Fat White Family’s Serf’s Up!, muttering darkly about the “lobster red blood of the apocalypse”.


Now he’s about to follow-up Prince Of Tears with his new album The Night Chancers, due out on March 20. While the orchestration is slinkier, Dury’s sleaze-ridden stories of slum landlords and Instagram influencers, stalkers and revenge fantasists are darker and more compelling than ever. Check out the lead single “Slumlord” here.

Now, Dury has kindly volunteered to be grilled by you, the Uncut readers. So what would you like to ask one of the most elegant and unstinting raconteurs in rock? Send your questions to by Monday January 20 and Baxter will answer the best ones in a future issue of Uncut.